Wellington Regional Office

The GNZCC is pleased to announce the opening of a new branch in Wellington. With the aim of providing better support to our members, and to help bridge the gap between industry and government through on-site representation. Germany is one of New Zealand’s top 10 trade partners, and with serious negotiations underway on the Free Trade Agreement with the EU, Germany will continue to grow in importance in the development of new market opportunities for New Zealand businesses, and in accessing technology and high quality products ‘Made in Germany’.

GNZCC opens Wellington Regional Office

Welly glad to meet you!

Goethe-Institut and the German-New Zealand Chamber of Commerce

The GNZCC and the Goethe-Institut both opened their New Zealand doors in the early 80s and have a large international presence in many countries. While the GNZCC looks after trade and business relations between our two nations, the Goethe-Institut promotes the culture and language acquisition. It’s a match made in heaven! The GNZCC is delighted to be close to the political heartbeat of the capital, and to benefit from closer work with both the Goethe-Institut and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany.

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Level 13, NTT Tower, 157 Lambton Quay,

Wellington 6140


Julia Mannion

Wellington Regional Manager
(Members based in WLG Region)